Activating your license

Learn how to activate your license for Mango

By Oliver P
August 17, 2021

Let's activate your Mango license. Feel free to watch the tutorial here or follow the written instructions below.

After you've installed Mango, you'll see Mango in your WordPress Admin panel on the left-hand side. Simply click onto it.


From here, just click onto My Account.


Now, lets add the licensing key. You should have received your keys immediately after checking out or in your email. First, click onto Add License Key here.


You'll see a modal with an input for your license key. Just click and enter your license key here.


Hit Save to store your license key and to activate Mango.


Congratulations, you've now activated Mango! Whenever you want to check the status of your license key, simply click "Check Status" here.


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