In this tutorial, I'll show you how to add upsells to your sales funnel using Stripe. If you're using PayPal, please refer to our other video tutorial.
Feel free to watch the tutorial here or follow the written instructions below.
To start, please navigate to your Stripe account and click onto the "Dashboard" button as shown.
Once you're logged in, click onto Products as shown to access your list of products.
On this page you'll see a list of all of your products.
If you don't have one yet, make sure to click "add product" to create a new one. In order to offer an upsell you'll need at least 2 products in your dashboard, so you can offer the second one as an add-on. Let's continue to add the upsell by clicking onto one of your existing products first.
Once you've opened a specific product, scroll down to a section called "Cross-sells".
Then locate a specific product by clicking on the "Find a product" field as shown. Remember, this is a related product for customers to add to their order, during their Checkout.
When cross-selling, choose a product with a single price in the same currency as the item your customer is purchasing. If your product is a subscription, you can upsell another subscription instead rather than in addition. Once added, you can also remove it at any time, by clicking onto the "x" button right next to it.
That's all you need to do to be able to upsell or cross-sell another product in your sales funnel.
Remember that you can also up- or cross-sell separately in subsequent steps of your funnel.
In fact, sometimes it's better to do so, because you can add more information about the other products you're offering.
Just so you know, here's what your customers will see when you add your order bump or cross-sell offer on the checkout page.
And here's a sample upsell offer that your customers might see on a subscription upsell. They would simply have to toggle the upsell on or off. Again, you can also offer other up- or down-sell offers in subsequent steps using the Mango plugin.