This guide will walk you through the process of creating your sales funnel by assigning payments and plans using the Mango plugin.
Feel free to watch the tutorial here or follow the written instructions below.
To start, make sure you have already created the pages you want to use as part of your funnel. It can be as simple as just 2 pages - the page where users see the product you'd like to sell and the thank you page.
Again, this can be as simple or as advanced as you want it to be and you can add more steps as needed. Navigate to the starting page and locate the special menu for Mango on the top of the page as shown. Then click onto "Funnel settings" so we can create a new funnel.
3 quick points:
1. It's recommended to start in "Test" mode for your new "funnel" so that you can create test payments to ensure your funnel is working as desired. Once you're satisfied with it, don't forget to switch to "Live mode" so you can accept real payments.
Just for your reference, when using Stripe for your checkout, you can use the following information for processing sample payments:
Credit Card: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration date: Any date in the future (i.e. 01/29)
Address: Any address
Name: Any
Email: Any
2. Take note of the "Funnel start URL" which is the starting page you should share with customers so they can step through your newly created funnel.
3. On this modal, you can create a new funnel or switch to an existing one. For now click onto 'Create a new funnel.'
Enter a name for your new funnel in the specified location as shown. Then click "Save Settings".
If you already have an existing Funnel, you can also click onto the appropriate button to select from a list of existing funnels to switch to it.
From the Mango menu, click onto "Assign Payment and Plans" as shown.
The first thing you'll notice is that your cursor has switched to a different style pointer.
With this change, you can now simply point and click onto any element on your page to assign a payment.
You can click onto text, buttons, thumbnails, and so on.
Note, you can assign payments to as many elements on the page as you want and lead your customer down different paths depending upon what they want to purchase.
It's recommended, however, to keep it as simple as possible and focus just on 1 or 2 products or services. For this example, we'll click onto this text 'Watch how easy it is".Once you click onto an element, you'll now see a modal that let's you select the product you'd like to assign for customers to purchase.
You can switch to enter the product details between Stripe and PayPal on the top of the modal.
If you only enter the details for Stripe and not for PayPal, then PayPal won't be shown as an option and vice versa.
In addition to selecting a product, you can specify if you want to enable taxes, adjustable quantities, shipping and if you want to send new customer data to other services.
When creating your funnel, it's important to select what your customers will see after they complete their purchase on the next step. You can select the next step under "Page redirection."
Note, you can even create a funnel without assigning a payment on a specific page and enable your customers to step through a specific sequence of steps if needed as long as you select a page redirection page.
This can be useful if you first want to create some informational pages before giving your customers the option to make a purchase but you still need them to step through a specific sequence.
Once you've selected a product and page redirection page, you also have the option to pass data from your new customers to third party services, for example, if you want to add your new customer onto your mailing list for new customers.
Click onto the "Integrations" section as shown. Note, if you don't have any integrations shown, make sure to add it first from the admin panel inside the Mango plugin.
Click to save the newly assigned payment or plan.
Remember, if you want to make both Stripe & PayPal available, make sure to switch between them on the top of the modal and enter the necessary details before saving your assignment. That's it! You've now created your first funnel.
Remember, the good thing with Mango is that you can re-use any pages in any funnel so you don't have to duplicate any work if you need to re-use the same pages in other funnels.