Add new products (Stripe)

How to add new products (inside Stripe for use with Mango)

By Oliver P
August 25, 2023

Let's create some new products in Stripe which we can then use for your sales funnel inside the Mango plugin.

Feel free to watch the tutorial here or follow the written instructions below.

First, please navigate to and click onto 'Dashboard' to login into your account.

212-2023-08-25-at-23.50.21@2x.jpgOnce you've logged in to your dashboard, navigate to Products, so we can start adding new products or services.

212-2023-08-25-at-23.50.40@2x.jpgImportant note: It's recommended that you first create all plans or payments in "Test mode" so that you can make test payments. So make sure to toggle into "Test mode" as shown.

Later, when you switch your funnel to "Live mode" from the Mango menu, it will automatically create the live plans or payments inside Stripe for you.

Now, click '+ Add Product' to create a new product.

Note, this page also displays all your existing plans or products, which you can modify or archive as needed.

212-2023-09-07-at-22.25.26@2x.jpgOn this page you can enter the product information of your product or service. Add a name for the product. A description can also be useful to briefly summarize exactly what the customer is buying. This is visible on the checkout page. Then simply follow the on-screen prompts to complete the necessary information.

212-2023-08-25-at-23.51.18@2x.jpgWhen filling out the product information, make sure to select the 'Standard pricing' model, to enter a price and to select the preferred billing period. A recurring billing period indicates that the payment will be made each month (or whichever billing period was selected).

212-2023-08-25-at-23.51.35@2x.jpgYou can also enter additional information such as a statement descriptor that is visible for your customers. Make sure to choose something your customers will recognize on a bank statement.

212-2023-08-25-at-23.51.51@2x.jpgYou can also add more information as needed, including a unit label or metadata or feature list for pricing tables (whenever used).

That's it! Repeat this step as many times as you need to add all of your products and services. They will automatically be synched with the Mango plugin, so you can now use them in any sales funnel. There's nothing else you need to do in this step.

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