All Categories FAQs How can I make test payments (Stripe)

How can I make test payments (Stripe)

Find out how can you make test payments

By Oliver P
August 30, 2023

It's always a good idea to step through your sales funnel in 'test' mode before going 'live'.

To do so, you can use the following credit card information to process sample payments:

Credit Card: 4242 4242 4242 4242

Expiration date: Any date in the future (i.e. 01/29)

Address: Any address

Name: Any

Email: Any

Remember, this is for Stripe only. If you need to make test payments via PayPal, make sure to use the payment information provided by the developer platform when you login into your developer PayPal account (Sandbox).

Don't forget to switch to "Live mode" after you've tested your sales funnel so you can be sure to collect real payments via your payment gateway.

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